Thursday, February 13, 2014

O'Neal and Masterson - Pics from the past.

Okay, so it has been a long time since my last post, but recently I have been in touch with my distant cousin Mona out in California and we've been corresponding on  A few months ago, I wondered, as she was closer to the family out west than I was, if she had any pictures she could share of the O'Neal and/or Masterson clan.  Well, thankfully she did and she made copies for me which I have scanned and now uploaded to both my tree as well as here for all to see.  Thanks again to Mona for sharing these. 

Wanda O'Neal Covington
George Covington; Son of Wanda O'Neal Covington
L-R; Harry (Deed) O'Neal w/Son?, Oscar Homer O'Neal, Blanche O'Neal, James (Jim) O'Neal, Blanche Mary Masterson O'Neal and William (Bill) O'Neal
I've seen this picture before but who is who?  Family photo of Homer Jake O'Neal

I know that Joe Watson is in this picture, not sure exactly where (1st from left?), but I also think that the third gentleman from the left is Spencer O'neal?  Is that Oscar Homer next to him (4th from the left)? Is this a photo of Homer and sons?

Any thoughts?
L-R; Marion Williams - Joe L. Watson - Jake O'Neal - Dorothy O'Neal Williams

Family photo - L-R; Aline Leitherland O'Neal (w/o Harry); Oscar Homer O'Neal, Barbara O'Neal, Mona Watson and Harry (Deed) O'Neal.  On floor are the children of Harry and Aline; Sue, Joyce, Don and Ricky Neal
Adult Children of Harry (Deed) O'Neal; L-R; Barbara, Don, Sue, Joyce, Ricky and Sherre Neal

Lillian and Blanche O'Neal; Children of Oscar Homer and Blanche Mary Masterson O'Neal

c. 1961;  L-R Oscar Homer O'Neal with daughters: Lillian, Blanche, Violet, Wanda and Dorothy.

c. 1966; Oscar Homer O'Neal with 2nd wife Lillie Walcot and daughters

Grandchildren of Oscar Homer and Blanche Mary Masterson O'Neal

(L-R) Siblings ... Lillian, Jake, Harry and Dorothy O'Neal

Old Homestead of Oscar Homer and Blanche Mary Masterson O'Neal

The O'Neal Women; (L-R); Back Row: Violet O'Neal Soucy - Wanda O'Neal Covington - Dorothy O'Neal Williams / Front Row:  Lillian O'Neal Oller - Blanche Mary Masterson O'Neal - Blanche Mary O'Neal Watson  
Rebecca O'Neal - sister of Homer Oscar O'Neal

(L-R) ... Best Friends; Mona Watson, Billie Watson, and Dorothy O'Neal
Blanche Mary Masterson O'Neal in New Madrid, MO

Blanche O'Neal Watson with Mother Blanche Mary Masterson O'Neal

from L-R; Joe Lynn Watson - Jake O'Neal - Blanche Mary Masterson O'Neal - Oscar Homer O'Neal

c.1940; L-R; Blanche Mary Masterson O'Neal - Blanche O'Neal Watson - Dorothy O'Neal - Oscar Homer O'Neal

Homer O'Neal's sister Nettie and her three children.  John McGill is standing in the doorway

Spencer and Lucretia Viola Bair O'Neal with grandchildren Lisa Jeannette and Brian Paul Muller

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